Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Flubber and Pigtails

Earlier this week Mike had his day off and I really wanted to find something fun for him and the kids to do. So we went to the library to check out a few books and movies (I got a mystery novel that looks promising). Afterwards we swung over to the local goods store and picked up the ingredients for flubber. I had come across the recipe on Pintrest and could vaguely remember elementary science projects and a funny Robin Williams movie involving the stuff, so I thought it might be fun to give it a whirl. You can find the recipe here. It was a definite blast.
Lately, Abram has been insisting on helping me measure and mix everything, and this was no exception. He seemed to enjoy pouring the glue the most. I didn't let him measure the Borax; I didn't want to risk him getting it every where.
This is what it looked like when we combined the two mixtures. It sort of blurbbled.
It looked pretty cool coming out of the bowl. Slimey.

It was a big hit with Buddy Boy. He loved how it snapped when pulled quickly and stretched when pulled slowly.

I was became a tad ambitious today too, I decided to try a new hair style on Penny Lu.

World's tiniest pigtails. Sorry about the blurry pictures; she really doesn't hold still.
They turned out pretty adorable if you ask me. That poor black eye looks pretty ucky. The downfalls of learning to walk. She looks pretty dang cute even with the shiner though.

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