Monday, September 24, 2012

Budding Independence

It has been a while since I have posted, so there may be more pictures than normal. I've been working on a couple of projects, mostly Penny's Halloween costume. It is taking quite a bit longer than I thought it would. When I get it finished, I will have to show pictures. Hopefully it will look as cute in the end as I hope it will.
This is the night gown I made for Penny. It has raglan sleeves and a button down front (partially sewn up). The neck was a bit smaller than it should have been but it worked out well. Penny seems comfortable in it anyway.
Sorry the picture is so washed out on this one (I am not sure what was going on with the camera). This is just a basic tube with an elastic waistband. It really should be shorter than it is, but it works.
The fabric is awesome. It is denim with ribbons stitched in a swirly design. The ribbon had to be re-stitched in places, other than that, it was pretty easy. Looked good with very little effort.
I tried one of the sweaters I knitted on Penny today. it looked pretty cute, though her little pot-belly filled it out more than it should have. She actually has thinned down some since she started crawling everywhere. I will really miss her rolly-polly self when she starts walking.

I made a new hat for Abram (his old one was getting too small and worn out). It actually is a bit too big and I don't think I like the seed-stitch brim, but the colors look great on him. (they match his eyes). Abram has actually been becoming more and more independent of late. He has started to insist on dressing himself, getting his own food, etc.
In fact, earlier today I heard someone in the kitchen to find Abram making himself a jam sandwich. He was so proud of himself, I couldn't even think about the mess. If you are wondering how he got up there, we have an empty bucket that he shuttles anywhere he wants. If he doesn't have it he finds more creative methods. (The other day I found him on top of my mother's baby grand piano. I haven't figured our how he does it yet. He is pretty sneaky).
Abram has also been building his own "towers" lately. This one is the biggest he has done, on his own, yet. (it got even bigger after the pic was taken). He says his colors and some of his letters now, too. I think I will take all of this increased development as a sign I should start potty training again. (Wish me luck!)
I can't resist sneaking in a pic of Penny's face painting today. How did I get such a stinkin'-cute baby?

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