First off weddings. My brother Jesse got married just over a week ago at his and his new wife's home in Arlington, Texas. I thought it was really considerate of them to schedule the wedding in the middle of Mike's business trip to that same part of Texas (I know that wasn't the reason, but it certainly made things so much easier on us).
Isn't my family so cute. Of course we are missing my youngest brother David, who is in Kansas serving a mission, and my little boy Abe who spent the weekend with his Grandma and Grandpa Scadden (thanks you two so much for watching him). The wedding was wonderful. I had so much fun meeting my new sister-in-law and her family. I love her already.
It was a bit of a change having only one baby to look after, but I enjoyed the relief. Other than crying during the ceremony (eek!) Penny did really well during the whole thing.
After Penny and I came home from Texas, I threw myself head first into the kids' Halloween costumes.
Abram went as a biker and Penny as Raggedy Anne. Not to brag or anything, but I think my kids were the cutest ones around that night.I made the costumes myself, mostly. Penny's I did 100% myself. That stupid wig took me forever. but her cute 10x larger than normal head was worth it. The top itself turned out so cute I think I will have her wear it beyond just Halloween.
After Halloween, I finally caved and gave Abram a haircut. He desperately needed one (he had a total Hulk Hogan mullet thing going on). I hadn't planned on cutting it so short but the very first cut I made he twitched on and I scalped him. So he ended up with a nice... summer cut. He actually tolerated the cutting pretty well (until I cut his bangs and got hair up his nose and all over his sticky, candy covered mouth).
So far the fall is shaping up to be pretty awesome. We will be moving to a bigger place in a week+ and have a wonderful Thanksgiving to be looking forward too in a few more. Hope you all are having a great fall too!